We warmly invite you to join many amazing families on a three week Adventure into the still and sacred presence of our Savior, the heart of Christ's Mass.
Tuesday nights in Advent we're gathering in a beautiful, small-country church. Like Bethlehem. We begin in anticipation. Welcome. Worship. Witness (short story/reflection on the weekly theme by a different couple every week). A procession of candles. Then, lights will come down and Jesus Christ will be exposed on the Burning Bush in a sacred, solemn time of prayer, concluding with Benediction.
Like a good movie you could choose just one part, just one of the nights, and you'll be blessed -- but you'd really miss the full gift. We invite you to accept the Bethlehem Family Challenge: commit right now as a family to the full adventure of all three evenings, weekly prayer in your home, and daily personal prayer. The enhanced, profound blessing is the commitment of kindred families coming together week after week.
Begin the journey by accepting this invitation now. Commit. Invite. Spread the Word.
IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY A PARTNER, please consider becoming one! We are grateful for your donation of any amount (suggested $50/family) which helps us cover costs and support this movement. If for any reason this keeps you from coming, no worries! We want you and your family there! Mass Impact | Image Trinity (ILoveMyFamily.us) is families united in discovering, proclaiming, living, and building the Kingdom.