DR. KENNETH CALVERT “The Clean Breeze of the Centuries”

AUGUST 18 | 6:15P

My theme will be drawn from "On Reading Old Books" by C.S. Lewis. This is his introductory essay to my favorite Church Father, Athanasius of Alexandria's work "On the Incarnation."

DR. ADAM M. CARRINGTON "Songs for the Struggle: The Psalms' Political Teaching for Embattled Christians”

SEPTEMBER 15 | 6:15P

I would examine several psalms in light of Christians' embattled position in contemporary society. I would do so from a political angle, seeking to show how these Psalms state what we should expect from politics, both its possibilities and limits, and the encouragement they give to those discouraged by society's present state. In particular, I am thinking of Psalms 9-12 and 82.

DR. DWIGHT LINDLEY “The Center of Civilization: Marriage in the Homeric Epics”

OCTOBER 20 | 6:15P

An introduction to the wisdom of Homer’s view of marriage: how it works, what its chief dangers are, and how it can be restored. Throughout, we will discuss connections between his view and our own lives today.

DR. KEVIN SLACK “Male & Female He Made Them”

NOVEMBER 17 | 6:15P

Location Information

  • 26875 N Dixie Hwy, Perrysburg, OH, 43551 US
  • FREE! Grateful for your donation.

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